andreas weinand photographie

das leben erforschen – erfahrungen teilen
exploring life – sharing experiences

nachhaltigkeit und wachstum
sustainability and growth

ein seltener gast. ein distelfalter sitzt auf der blüte einer aster / a rare guest. a thistle butterfly sits on the flower of an aster

sonnenfeld … mit der natur leben – living with nature

reventlou-schule bei mittsommer abendlicht / at midsummer evening light

menschen und räume
people and spaces

Architektur und Städteplanung
Urban Design

Margret und Walter pflanzen Porree / Margret and Walter, planting leeks 2006 // High noon. The sun was burning our brains. We were thirsty and hungry.
I remember the church bells and the situation I was in. I had been photographing Margret and Walter for years. Starting in 1998 I visited them on their land and took photographs. We became friends.
I liked the engaging and loving way in which they approached the daily chores of farming. They could have spent their sunset years in an armchair, but that would have been too boring for them. Here, in the Ruhr Vally, on the outskirts of Essen and Mülheim, Germany, they wanted to establish an ecological haven.
It was the summer of 2006. My photographic selection had already been completed. Over the years I took approx. 600 rolls of 6x7 negative  Film. An exhibition at the Odense Fototriennale in Oktober was ahead. I was printing the exhibition photographs in the darkroom but I continued to visit them from time to time on their beautiful acres of land. I still planned to take a current double portrait.
The situation was somehow bizarre. Burning heat. Walter wanted to go home for lunch but Margret said "no,  first we plant these leeks". Due to the heat I also argued to take a break and continue later in the afternoon. But Margret had made the decision and they continued to bed 'out the plants. That was good for me. I had my Makina on the tripod and watched them. I focused on the core of the situation. Two seniors working like hell in the  field. I intuitively felt that I did the ultimate portrait of them. The photograph is the cover picture of my book "The Good Earth" published by Peperoni Books in 2013 - ISBN: 978-3-941825-50-5. - It was a great pleasure to hand out the book to Margret and Walter.
© Text and Photograph : Andreas Weinand

COLOSSAL YOUTH //  Peperoni Books 4th Edition 2013
 // ISBN: 978-3-941825-29-1 // 

Melanie, Öhner, Stiffel, Limbo, Gero, Anna und ihre Freunde sind jung und leben in Essen, als Andreas Weinand in den Jahren 1988 bis 1990 viel Zeit mit ihnen verbringt und fotografiert. Während in den USA die erste Folge der „Simpsons“ läuft, Florence Griffith-Joyner in Seoul drei Olympische Goldmedaillen gewinnt, in Berlin die Mauer fällt und Tim Berners-Lee das World Wide Web erfindet, tobt der Sturm der Jugend durch die Clique, dass es nur so kracht. Der Gefühlstaumel im Kosmos von Unbesiegbarkeit, Liebe, Sex, Drogen, Alkohol, Verweigerung, Absturz und Resignation ist allemal größer als die Welt da draußen. / Melanie, Öhner, Stiffel, Limbo, Anna and her friends are young and live in Essen when Andreas Weinand spends much time with them and takes pictures from 1988 to 1990. 

While the first episode of the “Simpsons” is broadcasted in the USA, Florence Griffith-Joyner wins three Olympic gold medals in Seoul, the Berlin Wall falls and Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, the storm of youth rages within the clique, going full blast. The emotional dizziness in the cosmos of invincibility, love, sex, drugs, alcohol, refusal, crash and resignation is always greater than the world out there. 

In order to prove that, Andreas Weinand only needs 25 images. But what kind of images. A fabulous series about an indescribable state, which becomes deeper and deeper the more one views it.

zwei personen sitzen an einem tisch / two people sitting at a table //
ratinger hof, düsseldorf